K. Nussbaum & Associates

Your Personal Financial Partners

Financial Counseling

We want you to view us as your personal Chief Financial Officer. From managing and paying off debt,
to financing a large purchase, to starting a new business, we can assist you in understanding tax and financial implications so that you can have peace of mind knowing that you made the right decision. Whatever challenges you are facing, we will help you to successfully achieve your goals by working with you to set realistic objectives and reviewing your progress.

Tax Advising & Preparation

Being proactive with income tax planning is vital. Doing so will allow you to avoid any unpleasant
surprises that might otherwise await you at filing time. When you are in control of your income tax situation, you’ll be well positioned to make the decisions that will help you to minimize your income tax liability. Whatever your situation, I’ll help you to identify your options and guide you to the choices that are most appropriate for you and your business. Bear in mind that tax planning is not limited to individuals and businesses.

If you are the trustee of a trust or the executor of an estate, it is vital to recognize that planning impacts not just the entity itself, but also the entity’s beneficiaries. Having extensive experience with estates and trusts, we understand the planning involved and can help you to be sure that the decisions you make are the right ones.

Estate & Retirement Planning

Your estate plan should reflect all of your objectives, both financial and non-financial. Estate planning
often involves multi-generational considerations within families. With our extensive background in Estate Planning, we are confident that we can help you skillfully craft an estate plan that will maximize the benefits to your descendants. Working with you to address all of your concerns with regard to your family’s situation, we’ll help you to make the choices that will allow you to leave a powerful legacy to your children, grandchildren and future descendants.

Decisions you make today directly affect your retirement planning. Working together, we can
determine the strategies that will allow you to reach your goals most efficiently. Responsible
retirement planning is not just saving as much money as possible. It is about making the choices that
will allow you to enjoy maximum flexibility down the road. I’ll help you to find the way to achieve
financial independence – the point at which you’ve reached your financial retirement goals.